Usually education puts accent on acquiring a good native English accent because it's thought that will help with further studies and employment abroad. But that's a misconception. No one can't hide their ethnicity and background anyway.

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True, Cata! There is a shifting happens toward the usage of English around the world. I believe a native-like accent is not the prime goal anymore. It's more to understand one another in communication.

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The English accent is the main problem especially for the English learnes in Indonesia.Sometimes they're not guite sure to practice their accents when they have to speak American English or Brithis English.I do agree that we have to be sure to use our accent to communicate with any body we meet. Thanks

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Anytime, Mr. Marulak. That's one of the prime obstacles we face. We need to get rid of it by building our English accents just like the video shows us.

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