Batak’s Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicine significantly contributes to well-being. Why not give a shot?
Hello, friends!
It's nice meeting you again through this personal note. This time I'd like to inform you of the recipe of Batak's traditional medicine that can be useful to anybody. It works for the Batak people, why not you? Since it is conventional medicine, all you need to do is to trust it.
Health is more precious than wealth as the prime wealth is truly the health itself, either physically or mentally. That's what I believe. How about you, friends?
While drinking coffee on the terrace of my house, I suddenly remembered that one day, one of my relatives shared me some insightful information dealing with our tribe's traditional healings. It was one of our ancestors' heritage that was passed on to certain individuals under specific terms and conditions.
After hearing the news, my mind suddenly blinked, and "aha" I thought this news would be beneficial for me and the rest of the world. Why don't I share it now?
Heart Medicine
As we know, the heart is one of the essential organs in our body. It controls our blood circulation by pumping it regularly to the entire body. Since it is vital to our life, we need to continually take care of our hearts by consuming nutritious food, exercising regularly, and avoiding unhealthy heart-related food.
However, amid our tight schedule and busy life, we sometimes pay less attention to conduct the safety protocol. And that's how the disease stops in our body.
Having infected by the disease, there are no other ways except to get rid of it immediately. We may go to the doctor and hospitals to have modern treatment. Alternatively, we might need to consult traditional medicine.
soup leaves/bay leaves/celery leaves
Long before the modern treatment of health established, our ancestors had been working with traditional healings for centuries until recent years. Practically, traditional medicine linked to plant, animals, mineral, and spiritual therapies as the medium. Not only to cure the disease, but alternative medicine could also be used to prevent it.
In terms of alternative treatment, aka traditional medicine, what do you need to know and prepare when you or the loved ones in your family having heart disease? You need to provide soup leaves (daun sop/sup) and egg yolk (kuning telur) as the ingredients.
Then, after you clean the soup leaves, mash, and strain them. After that, mix and stir the egg yolk. Finally, your traditional concoction is ready to be served.
Liver Medicine
Besides the heart, the human body also consists of the liver. The liver is a vital organ for the human body and all vertebrates. The liver has many functions in our body, including neutralizing and bidding toxins, regulating hormone circulation, regulating the composition of blood containing fat, protein sugar, and other substances.
For this reason, we must keep it fit. But what about you, your family and somebody else you know suffers from liver disease? In general, we will consult the doctor (internist). Yet, there is always another solution to any problems we have.
daun cocor bebek/duck beak leaf
Traditionally, we prepare sprout leaf (bryophyllums ) or translate as duck beak leaves (daun cocor bebek), turmeric brood (induk kunyit), brown sugar (gula merah) and tamarind (asam jawa) to taste. Then, scar them all. And lastly, brew it warm. The recipe is ready to drink.
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